DP-Lectures by Dwork



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  1. $P(|x|\ge tb)=e^{-t}$

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sensitivity of utility $\Delta u$: how much in the worst case can one person’s data affect the ytility.

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  1. for the utility above, $u(x,y)$, it is defined according to the query error between the databases; if the query error is small, then should have a good utility, that’s why we need a negative sign in front of the max.
  2. the sensitivity of utility????

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  1. In the video, she says the mechanism should be saperated from the database????

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  1. uncoordinated responses: ask one question and I add some nosie to the true answer and return it to you ; ask another question and do the same thing. They are independent of everything I did in the past.

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  1. Stateless Mechanism : it does not remember what it does before. Answering the subsequent queries doesn’t depend on the previous queries.

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  1. density response?????

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  1. $D(q)$ is the probability so is bounded by 1.

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  1. There are two databases $x$ and $x’$, where $x$ has property $p2,p3,p6$ and $p8$ and $x’$ has property 1 through 4 but not 5 to 8. And we have a set of queries results $Y_i$ and say we release the result with some noise, where for $Y_1,Y_2,Y_3,Y_4$ we add positive noise while negative noise for $Y_5,Y_6,Y_7,Y_8$.

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