Here are lists of some interesting knowledge I picked up in daily study.
Siamese Network
- siamese network理解
- Siamese Network & Triplet Loss
- CNN Architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet and more ….
Super Resolution GAN
- Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative AdversarialNetwork
- GAN — Super Resolution GAN (SRGAN)
Network Visualization
- Understanding your Convolution network with Visualizations
- Deep Visualization Toolbox
- Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks
- The vanishing gradient problem and ReLUs – a TensorFlow investigation
- A Comprehensive guide to Fine-tuning Deep Learning Models in Keras (Part II)
- How to debug neural networks. Manual
Review: GoogLeNet (Inception v1)— Winner of ILSVRC 2014 (Image Classification)
more layers leads to overfitting
Increasing the number of hidden units and/or layers may lead to overfitting because it will make it easier for the neural network to memorize the training set, that is to learn a function that perfectly separates the training set but that does not generalize to unseen data.
RNN Language Modelling with PyTorch — Packed Batching and Tied Weights
Word2Vec — a baby step in Deep Learning but a giant leap towards Natural Language Processing
Learning Network
Gradient Descent
Reinforcement Learning
Object Detection
- R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO — Object Detection Algorithms
- Faster R-CNN (object detection) implemented by Keras for custom data from Google’s Open Images Dataset V4
DeepLearning Framework
Learning Rate
- Learning Rate Schedules and A daptive Learning Rate Methods for Deep Learning
- Using Learning Rate Schedules for Deep Learning Models in Python with Keras
- Introduction to Genetic Algorithms — Including Example Code
- Genetic Algorithm with Knapsack Problem