
The overall goal is to learn the following stuff:

  • CS231N-Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
  • CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
  • Linear Algebra ref resources
  • Probability and Statistics ref
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models Specialization ref cmu
  • Statistics for Applications ref
  • Convex Optimization website video textbook

Week 1 (28 May - 2 June)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture2 - Image Classification
  2. CS224n : Introduction and Word Vectors

Week 2 (3 June - 9 June)

  1. CS231N : Lecture3 - Loss Functions and Optimization
  2. CS224n : Word Vectors 2 and Word Senses

Week 3 (10 June - 16 June)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture4 - Introduction to Neural Networks
  2. CS224n : Word Window Classification, Neural Networks, and Matrix Calculus

Week 4 (17 June - 23 June)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture5 - Convolutional Neural Networks
  2. CS224n : Backpropagation and Computation Graphs

Week 5 (24 June - 30 June)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture6 - Training Neural Networks, part I
  2. CS224n : The probability of a sentence? Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models

Week 6 (1 July - 7 July)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture7 - Training Neural Networks, part II
  2. CS224n : Vanishing Gradients and Fancy RNNs

Week 7 (8 July - 14 July)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture9 - CNN Architectures
  2. CS224n : Machine Translation, Seq2Seq and Attention

Week 8 (15 July - 21 July)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture10 - Recurrent Neural Networks
  2. CS224n : Question Answering and the Default Final Project

Week 9 (22 July - 28 July)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture11 - Detection and Segmentation
  2. CS224n : ConvNets for NLP

Week 10 (29 July - 4 Aug)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture12 - Visualizing and Understanding
  2. CS224n : Information from parts of words: Subword Models

Week 11 (5 Aug - 11 Aug)

The goal is ::

  1. CS231N : Lecture13 - Generative Models
  2. CS224n : Modeling contexts of use: Contextual Representations and Pretraining

Week 12 (12 Aug - 18 Aug)

The goal is ::

  1. CS224n: Lecture 14 Transformers and Self-Attention

Week 13 (19 Aug - 15 Aug)

The goal is ::

  1. CS224n: Lecture 15 Natural Language Generation

Week 14

The goal is ::

  1. CS224n: Lecture 16 – Coreference Resolution

Week 15

The goal is ::

  1. CS224n: Lecture 18 – Constituency Parsing, TreeRNNs

Week 16

The goal is ::